《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第60部分

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nice and invisible for a long while now。 

I passed right through the perimeter on my way back; heading for the house。 As much as I knew it was a 
stupid thing to do; I couldn't stop myself。 I must be some kind of masochist。 

There's nothing wrong with you; Jake。 This isn't the most normal situation。 

Shut up; please; Seth。 


I didn't hesitate at the door this time; I just walked through like I owned the place。 I figured that would 
piss Rosalie off; but it was a wasted effort。 Neither Rosalie or Bella were anywhere in sight。 I looked 
around wildly; hoping I'd missed them somewhere; my heart squeezing against my ribs in a weird; 
unfortable way。 

〃She's all right;〃 Edward whispered。 〃Or; the same; I should say。〃 

Edward was on the couch with his face in his hands; he hadn't looked up to speak。 Esme was next to 
him; her arm wrapped tight around his shoulders。 

〃Hello; Jacob;〃 she said。 〃I'm so glad you came back。〃 

〃Me; too;〃 Alice said with a deep sigh。 She came prancing down the stairs; making a face。 Like 1 was 
late for an appointment。 

〃Uh; hey;〃 I said。 It felt weird to try to be polite。 

〃Where's Bella?〃 

〃Bathroom;〃 Alice told me。 〃Mostly fluid diet; you know。 Plus; the whole pregnancy thing does that to 
you; I hear。〃 


I stood there awkwardly; rocking back and forth on my heels。 

〃Oh; wonderful;〃 Rosalie grumbled。 I whipped my head around and saw her ing from a hall 
halfhidden behind the stairway。 She had Bella cradled gently in her arms; a harsh sneer on her face for 
me。 〃I knew I smelled something nasty。〃 

And; just like before; Bella's face lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning。 Like I'd brought her the 
greatest gift ever。 

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It was so unfair。 

〃Jacob;〃 she breathed。 〃You came。〃 

〃Hi; Bells。〃 

Esme and Edward both got up。 I watched how carefully Rosalie laid Bella out on the couch。 I watched 
how; despite that; Bella turned white and held her breath—like she was set on not making any noise no 
matter how much it hurt。 

Edward brushed his hand across her forehead and then along her neck。 He tried to make it look as if he 

just sweeping her hair back; but it looked like a doctor's examination to me。 

〃Are you cold?〃 he murmured。 

I'm fine。〃 

〃Bella; you know what Carlisle told you;〃 Rosalie said。 〃Don't downplay anything。 It doesn't help us 
take care of either of you。〃 

〃Okay; I'm a little cold。 Edward; can you hand me that blanket?〃 

I rolled my eyes。 〃Isn't that sort of the point of me being here?〃 

〃You just walked in;〃 Bella said。 〃After running all day; I'd bet。 Put your feet up for a minute。 I'll 
probably warm up again in no time。〃 

I ignored her; going to sit on the floor next the sofa while she was still telling me what to do。 At that 
point; though; I wasn't sure how。。。。 She looked pretty brittle; and I was afraid to move her; even to put 
my arms around her。 So I just leaned carefully against her side; letting my arm rest along the length of 
hers; and held her hand。 Then I put my other hand against her face。 It was hard to tell if she felt colder 
than usual。 

〃Thanks; Jake;〃 she said; and I felt her shiver once。 

〃Yeah;〃 I said。 

Edward sat on the arm of the sofa by Bella's feet; his eyes always on her face。 

It was too much to hope; with all the superhearing in the room; that no one would notice my stomach 

〃Rosalie; why don't you get Jacob something from the kitchen?〃 Alice said。 She was invisible now; sitting 
quietly behind the back of the sofa。 

Rosalie stared at the place Alice's voice had e from in disbelief。 

〃Thanks; anyway; Alice; but I don't think I'd want to eat something Blondie's spit in。 I'd bet my system 
wouldn't take too kindly to venom。〃 

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〃Rosalie would never embarrass Esme by displaying such a lack of hospitality。〃 

〃Of course not;〃 Blondie said in a sugarsweet voice that I immediately distrusted。 She got up and 
breezed out of the room。 

Edward sighed。 

〃You'd tell me if she poisoned it; right?〃 I asked。 

〃Yes;〃 Edward promised。 

And for some reason I believed him。 

There was a lot of banging in the kitchen; and—weirdly—the sound of metal protesting as it was 
abused。 Edward sighed again; but smiled just a little; too。 Then Rosalie was back before I could think 
much more about it。 With a pleased smirk; she set a silver bowl on the floor next to me。 

〃Enjoy; mongrel。〃 

It had once probably been a big mixing bowl; but she'd bent the bowl back in on itself until it was 
shaped almost exactly like a dog dish。 I had to be impressed with her quick craftsmanship。 And her 
attention to detail。 She'd 

scratched the word Fido into the side。 Excellent handwriting。 

Because the food looked pretty good—steak; no less; and a big baked potato with all the fixings—I told 
her; 〃Thanks; Blondie。〃 

She snorted。 

〃Hey; do you know what you call a blonde with a brain?〃 I asked; and then continued on the same 
breath; 〃a golden retriever。〃 

〃I've heard that one; too;〃 she said; no longer smiling。 

〃I'll keep trying;〃 I promised; and then I dug in。 

She made a disgusted face and rolled her eyes。 Then she sat in one of the armchairs and started flicking 
through channels on the big TV so fast that there was no way she could really be surfing for something to 

The food was good; even with the vampire stink in the air。 I was getting really used to that。 Huh。 Not 
something I'd been wanting to do; exactly。。。 

When I was finished—though I was considering licking the bowl; just to give Rosalie something to 
plain about—I felt Bella's cold fingers pulling softly through my hair。 She patted it down against the 
back of my neck。 

〃Time for a haircut; huh?〃 

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〃You're getting a little shaggy;〃 she said。 〃Maybe—〃 

〃Let me guess; someone around here used to cut hair in a salon in Paris?〃 

She chuckled。 〃Probably。〃 

〃No thanks;〃 I said before she could really offer。 〃I'm good for a few more weeks。〃 

Which made me wonder how long she was good for。 I tried to think of a polite way to ask。 

〃So。。。 urn。。。 what's the; er; date? You know; the due date for the little monster。〃 

She smacked the back of my head with about as much force as a drifting feather; but didn't answer。 

〃I'm serious;〃 I told her。 〃I want to know how long I'm gonna have to be here。〃 How long you're gonna 
be here; I added in my head。 I turned to look at her then。 Her eyes were thoughtful; the stress line was 
there between her brows again。 

〃I don't know;〃 she murmured。 〃Not exactly。 Obviously; we're not going with the ninemonth model 
here; and we can't get an ultrasound; so Carlisle is guesstimating from how big I am。 Normal people are 
supposed to be about forty centimeters here〃—she ran her finger right down the middle of her bulging 
stomach—〃when the baby is fully grown。 One centimeter 
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