《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第51部分

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〃Leah?〃 she gasped。 

〃You didn't tell her?〃 I asked Edward。 

He just shrugged without moving his eyes from her face。 I could see it wasn't very exciting news to him; 
not something worth sharing with the more important events that were going down。 

Bella didn't take it so lightly。 It looked like it was bad news to her。 

〃Why?〃 she breathed。 

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I didn't want to get into the whole novellength version。 〃To keep an eye on Seth。〃 

〃But Leah hates us;〃 she whispered。 

Us。Nice。 I could see that she was afraid; though。 

〃Leah's not going to bug anyone。〃 But me。 〃She's in my pack〃—I grimaced at the words—〃so she 
follows my lead。〃 Ugh。 

Bella didn't look convinced。 

〃You're scared of Leah; but you're best buds with the psychopath blonde?〃 

There was a low hiss from the second floor。 Cool; she'd heard me。 

Bella frowned at me。 〃Don't。 Rose。。。 understands。〃 

〃Yeah;〃 i grunted。 〃She understands that you're gonna die and she doesn't care; s'long as she gets her 
mutant spawn out of the deal。〃 

〃Stop being a jerk; Jacob;〃 she whispered。 

She looked too weak to get mad at。 I tried to smile instead。 〃You say that like it's possible。〃 

Bella tried not to smile back for a second; but she couldn't help it in the end; her chalky lips pulled up at 
the corners。 

And then Carlisle and the psycho in question were there。 Carlisle had a white plastic cup in his hand 
—the kind with a lid and a bendy straw。 Oh— not clear;now I got it。 Edward didn't want Bella to have 
to think about what she was doing any more than necessary。 You couldn't see what was in the cup at all。 
But I could smell it。 

Carlisle hesitated; the hand with the cup halfextended。 Bella eyed it; looking scared again。 

〃We could try another method;〃 Carlisle said quietly。 

〃No;〃 Bella whispered。 〃No;111 try this first。 We don't have time。。。。〃 

At first I thought she'd finally gotten a clue and was worried about herself; but then her hand fluttered 
feebly against her stomach。 

Bellareached out and took the cup from him。 Her hand shook a little; and I could hear the sloshing from 
inside。 She tried to prop herself up on one elbow; but she could barely lift her head。 A whisper of heat 
brushed down my spine as I saw how frail she'd gotten in less than a day。 

Rosalie put her arm under Bella's shoulders; supporting her head; too; like you did with a newborn。 
Blondie was all about the babies。 

〃Thanks;〃 Bella whispered。 Her eyes flickered around at us。 Still aware enough to feel selfconscious。 If 
she wasn't so drained; I'd bet she'd've blushed。 

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〃Don't mind them;〃 Rosalie murmured。 

It made me feel awkward。 I should've left when Bella'd offered the chance。 I didn't belong here; being 
part of this。 I thought about ducking out; but then I realized a move like that would only make this worse 
for Bella—make it harder for her to go through with it。 She'd figure I was too disgusted to stay。 Which 
was almost true。 

Still。 While I wasn't going to claim responsibility for this idea; I didn't want to jinx it; either。 

Bella lifted the cup to her face and sniffed at the end of the straw。 She flinched; and then made a face。 

〃Bella; sweetheart; we can find an easier way;〃 Edward said; holding his hand out for the cup。 

〃Plug your nose;〃 Rosalie suggested。 She glared at Edward's hand like she might take a snap at it。 I 
wished she would。 I bet Edward wouldn't take that sitting down; and I'd love to see Blondie lose a limb。 

〃No; that's not it。 It's just that it—〃Bella sucked in a deep breath。 〃It smells good;〃 she admitted in a tiny 

I swallowed hard; fighting to keep the disgust off my face。 

〃That's a good thing;〃 Rosalie told Bella eagerly。 〃That means we're on the right track。 Give it a try。〃 
Given Blondie's new expression; I was surprised she didn't break into a touchdown dance。 

Bella shoved the straw between her lips; squeezed her eyes shut; and wrinkled her nose。 I could hear the 

slopping around in the cup again as her hand shook。 She sipped at it for a second; and then moaned 
quietly with her eyes still closed。 

Edward and I stepped forward at the same time。 He touched her face。 I clenched my hands behind my 

〃Bella; love—〃 

Tm okay;〃 she whispered。 She opened her eyes and stared up at him。 Her expression was。。。 apologetic。 
Pleading。 Scared。 〃It tastes good; too。〃 

Acid churned in my stomach; threatening to overflow。 I ground my teeth together。 

〃That's good;〃 Blondie repeated; still jazzed。 〃A good sign。〃 

Edward just pressed his hand to her cheek; curling his fingers around the shape of her fragile bones。 

Bella sighed and put her lips to the straw again。 She took a real pull this time。 The action wasn't as weak 
as everything else about her。 Like some instinct was taking over。 

〃How's your stomach? Do you feel nauseated?〃 Carlisle asked。 

Bella shook her head。 〃No; I don't feel sick;〃 she whispered。 〃There's a first; eh?〃 

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Rosalie beamed。 〃Excellent。〃 

〃I think it's a bit early for that; Rose;〃 Carlisle murmured。 

Bella gulped another mouthful of blood。 Then she flashed a look at Edward。 〃Does this screw my total?〃 
she whispered。 〃Or do we start counting after I'm a vampire?〃 

〃No one is counting; Bella。 In any case; no one died for this。〃 He smiled a lifeless smile。 〃Your record is 
still clean。〃 

They'd lost me。 

〃I'll explain later;〃 Edward said; so low the words were just a breath。 

〃What?〃 Bella whispered。 

〃Just talking to myself;〃 he lied smoothly。 

If he succeeded with this; if Bella lived; Edward wasn't going to be able to get away with so much when 
her senses were as sharp as his。 He'd have to work on the honesty thing。 

Edward's lips twitched; fighting a smile。 

Bella chugged a few more ounces; staring past us toward the window。 Probably pretending we weren't 
here。 Or maybe just me。 No one else in this group would be disgusted by what she was doing。 Just the 
opposite—they were probably having a tough time not ripping the cup away from her。 

Edward rolled his eyes。 

Jeez; how did anyone stand living with him? It was really too bad he couldn't hear Bella's thoughts。 Then 
he'd annoy the crap out of her; too; and she'd get tired of him。 

Edward chuckled once。 Bella's eyes flicked to him immediately; and she halfsmiled at the humor in his 
face。 I would guess that wasn't something she'd seen in a while。 

〃Something funny?〃 she breathed。 

〃Jacob;〃 he answered。 

She looked over with another weary smile for me。 〃Jake's a crackup;〃 she agreed。 

Great; now I was the court jester。 〃Bada bing〃 I mumbled in weak rimshot impression。 

She smiled again; and then took another swig from the cup。 I flinched when the straw pulled at empty 
air; making a loud sucking sound。 

〃I did it;〃 she said; sounding pleased。 Her voice was clearer—rough; but not a whisper for
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