《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第37部分

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Oh。 His story hadn't made much sense before; but it fit together now。 So that's what Blondie was up to。 

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What was in it for her; though? Did the beauty queen want Bella to die so bad? 

〃Maybe;〃 he said。 〃Rosalie doesn't look at it quite that way。〃 

〃So take the blonde out first。 Your kind can be put back together; right? Turn her into a jigsaw and take 
care of Bella。〃 

〃Emmett and Esme are backing her up。 Emmett would never let us。。。 and Carlisle won't help me with 

against it___〃 He trailed off; his voice disappearing。 

〃You should have left Bella with me。〃 


It was a bit late for that; though。 Maybe he should have thought about all this before he knocked her up 
with the lifesucking monster。 

He stared up at me from inside his own personal hell; and I could see that he agreed with me。 

〃We didn't know;〃 he said; the words as quiet as a breath。 〃I never dreamed。 There's never been 
anything like Bella and I before。 How could we know that a human was able conceive a child with one of 

〃When the human should get ripped to shreds in the process?〃 

〃Yes;〃 he agreed in a tense whisper。 〃They're out there; the sadistic ones; the incubus; the succubus。 
They exist。 But the seduction is merely a prelude to the feast。 No one survives〃 He shook his head like 
the idea revolted him。 Like he was any different。 

〃I didn't realize they had a special name for what you are;〃 I spit。 

He stared up at me with a face that looked a thousand years old。 

〃Even you; Jacob Black; cannot hate me as much as I hate myself。'7 

Wrong;I thought; too enraged to speak。 

〃Killing me now doesn't save her;〃 he said quietly。 

〃So what does?〃 

〃Jacob; you have to do something for me。〃 

〃The hell I do; parasite!〃 

He kept staring at me with those halftired; halfcrazy eyes。 〃For her?〃 

I clenched my teeth together hard。 〃I did everything I could to keep her away from you。 Every single 
thing。 It's too late。〃 

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〃You know her; Jacob。 You connect to her on a level that I don't even understand。 You are part of her; 
and she is part of you。 She won't listen to me; because she thinks I'm underestimating her。 She thinks 
she's strong enough for this___〃 He choked and then swallowed。 〃She might listen to you。〃 

〃Why would she?〃 

He lurched to his feet; his eyes burning brighter than before; wilder。 I wondered if he was really going 
crazy。 Could vampires lose their minds? 

〃Maybe;〃 he answered my thought。 〃I don't know。 It feels like it。〃 He shook his head。 〃I have to try to 
hide this in front of her; because stress makes her more ill。 She can't keep anything down as it is。 I have 
to be posed; I can't make it harder。 But that doesn't matter now。 She has to listen to you!〃 

〃I can't tell her anything you haven't。 What do you want me to do? Tell her she's stupid? She probably 
already knows that。 Tell her she's going to die? I bet she knows that; too。〃 

〃You can offer her what she wants。〃 

He wasn't making any sense。 Part of the crazy? 

〃I don't care about anything but keeping her alive;〃 he said; suddenly focused now。 〃If it's a child she 
wants; she can have it。 She can have half a dozen babies。 Anything she wants。〃 He paused for one beat。 
〃She can have puppies; if that's what it takes。〃 

He met my stare for a moment and his face was frenzied under the thin layer of control。 My hard scowl 
crumbled as I processed his words; and I felt my mouth pop open in shock。 

〃But not this way!〃 he hissed before I could recover。 〃Not this thing that's sucking the life from her while 
I stand there helpless! Watching her sicken and waste away。 Seeing it hurting her。〃 He sucked in a fast 
breath like someone had punched him in the gut。 〃You have to make her see reason; Jacob。 She won't 
listen to me anymore。 Rosalie's always there; feeding her insanity—encouraging her。 Protecting her。 No; 
protecting it Bella's life means nothing to her。〃 

The noise ing from my throat sounded like I was choking。 

What was he saying? That Bella should; what? Have a baby? With me? What? How? Was he giving her 
up? Or did he think she wouldn't mind being shared? 

〃Whichever。 Whatever keeps her alive。〃 

〃That'sthe craziest thing you've said yet;〃 I mumbled。 

〃She loves you。〃 

〃Not enough。〃 

〃She's ready to die to have a child。 Maybe she'd accept something less extreme。〃 

〃Don't you know her at all?〃 

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〃I know; I know。It's going to take a lot of convincing。 That's why I need you。 You know how she 
thinks。 Make hersee sense。〃 

I couldn't think about what he was suggesting。 It was too much。 Impossible。 Wrong。 Sick。 Borrowing 
Bella for the weekends and then returning her Monday morning like a rental movie? So messed up。 

So tempting。 

I didn't want to consider; didn't want to imagine; but the images came anyway。 I'd fantasized about Bella 
that way too many times; back when there was still a possibility of us; and then long after it was clear that 
the fantasies would only leave festering sores because there was no possibility; none at all。 I hadn't been 
able to help myself then。 I couldn't stop myself now。 Bella in my arms; Bella sighing my name。。。 

Worse still; this new image I'd never had before; one that by all rights shouldn't have existed for me。 Not 
yet。 An image I knew I wouldn't've suffered over for years if he hadn't shoved it in my head now。 But it 
stuck there; winding threads through my brain like a weed—poisonous and unkillable。 Bella; healthy and 
glowing; so different than now; but something the same: her body; not distorted; changed in a more 
natural way。 Round with my child。 

I tried to escape the venomous weed in my mind。 〃Make Bella see sense? What universe do you live 

〃At least try。〃 

I shook my head fast。 He waited; ignoring the negative answer because he could hear the conflict in my 

〃Where is this psycho crap ing from? Are you making this up as you go?〃 

〃I've been thinking of nothing but ways to save her since I realized what she was planning to do。 What 
she would die to do。 But I didn't know how to contact you。 I knew you wouldn't listen if I called。 I would 
have e to find you soon; if you hadn't e today。 But it's hard to leave her; even for a few minutes。 
Her condition。。。 it changes so fast。 The thing is。。。 growing。 Swiftly。 I can't be away from her now。〃 

〃What is it?〃 

〃None of us have any idea。 But it is stronger than she is。 Already。〃 

I could suddenly see it then—see the swelling monster in my head; breaking her from the inside out。 

〃Help me stop it;〃 he whispered。 〃Help me stop this from happening。〃 

〃How?By offering my stud services?〃 He didn't even flinch when I said that; but I did。 〃You're really 
sick。 She'll never listen to this。〃 

〃Try。 There's nothing to lose now。 How will it hurt?〃 

It would hurt me。 Hadn't I taken enough rejection f
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