《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第26部分

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stomach; almost like the aftershock of catching a punch in the gut。 

Tm sorry;〃 Edward was murmuring as he wiped a wintry hand across my clammy forehead。 〃So much 
for thoroughness。 I didn't think about how hot you would be with me gone。 I'll have an air conditioner 
installed before I leave again。〃 

I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying。 〃Excuse me!〃 I gasped; struggling to get free of his arms。 

He dropped his hold automatically。 〃Bella?〃 

I streaked for the bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth。 I felt so horrible that I didn't even 
care—at first—that he was with me while I crouched over the toilet and was violently sick。 

〃Bella? What's wrong?〃 

I couldn't answer yet。 He held me anxiously; keeping my hair out of my face; waiting till I could breathe 

〃Damn rancid chicken;〃 I moaned。 

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〃Are you all right?〃 His voice was strained。 

〃Fine;〃 I panted。 〃It's just food poisoning。 You don't need to see this。 Go away。〃 

〃Not likely;Bella。〃 

〃Go away;〃 I moaned again; struggling to get up so I could rinse my mouth out。 He helped me gently; 
ignoring the weak shoves I aimed at him。 

After my mouth was clean; he carried me to the bed and sat me down carefully; supporting me with his 

〃Food poisoning?〃 

〃Yeah;〃 I croaked。 〃I made some chicken last night。 It tasted off; so I threw it out。 But I ate a few bites 

He put a cold hand on my forehead。 It felt nice。 〃How do you feel now?〃 

I thought about that for a moment。 The nausea had passed as suddenly as it had e; and I felt like I 
did any other morning。 〃Pretty normal。 A little hungry; actually。〃 

He made me wait an hour and keep down a big glass of water before he fried me some eggs。 I felt 
perfectly normal; just a little tired from being up in the middle of the night。 He put onN—we'd been 
so out of touch; world war three could have broken out and we wouldn't have known—and I lounged 
drowsily across his lap。 

I got bored with the news and twisted around to kiss him。 Just like this morning; a sharp pain hit my 
stomach when I moved。 I lurched away from him; my hand tight over my mouth。 I knew I'd never make it 
to the bathroom this time; so I ran to the kitchen sink。 

He held my hair again。 

〃Maybe we should go back to Rio; see a doctor;〃 he suggested anxiously when I was rinsing my mouth 

I shook my head and edged toward the hallway。 Doctors meant needles。 〃I'll be fine right after I brush 
my teeth。〃 

When my mouth tasted better; I searched through my suitcase for the little firstaid kit Alice had packed 
for me; full of human things like bandages and painkillers and—my object now—PeptoBismol。 Maybe I 
could settle my stomach and calm Edward down。 

But before I found the Pepto; I happened across something else that Alice had packed for me。 I picked 
up the small blue box and stared at it in my hand for a long moment; forgetting everything else。 

Then I started counting in my head。 Once。 Twice。 Again。 

Theknock startled me; the little box fell back into the suitcase。 

〃Are you well?〃 Edward asked through the door。 〃Did you get sick again?〃 

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〃Yes and no;〃 I said; but my voice sounded strangled。 

〃Bella? Can I please e in?〃 Worriedly now。 

〃O。。。 kay?〃 

He came in and appraised my position; sitting crosslegged on the floor by the suitcase; and my 
expression; blank and staring。 He sat next to me; his hand going to my forehead at once。 

〃What's wrong?〃 

〃How many days has it been since the wedding?〃 I whispered。 

〃Seventeen;〃 he answered automatically。 〃Bella; what is it?〃 

I was counting again。 I held up a finger; cautioning him to wait; and mouthed the numbers to myself。 I'd 
been wrong about the days before。 We'd been here longer than I'd thought。 I started over again。 

〃Bella!〃 he whispered urgently。 〃I'm losing my mind over here。〃 

I tried to swallow。 It didn't work。 So I reached into the suitcase and fumbled around until I found the 
little blue box of tampons again。 I held them up silently。 

He stared at me in confusion。 〃What? Are you trying to pass this illness off as PMS?〃 

〃No;〃 I managed to choke out。 〃No; Edward。 I'm trying to tell you that my period is five days late。〃 

His facial expression didn't change。 It was like I hadn't spoken。 

〃I don't think I have food poisoning;〃 I added。 

He didn't respond。 He had turned into a sculpture。 

〃The dreams;〃 I mumbled to myself in a flat voice。 〃Sleeping so much。 The crying。 All that food。 Oh。 
Oh。 Oh〃 

Edward's stare seemed glassy; as if he couldn't see me anymore。 

Reflexively; almost involuntarily; my hand dropped to my stomach。 

〃Oh!〃 I squeaked again。 

I lurched to my feet; slipping out of Edward's unmoving hands。 I'd never changed out of the little silk 
shorts and camisole I'd worn to bed。 I yanked the blue fabric out of the way and stared at my stomach。 

〃Impossible;〃 I whispered。 

I had absolutely no experience with pregnancy or babies or any part of that world; but I wasn't an idiot。 
I'd seen enough movies and TV shows to know that this wasn't how it worked。 I was only five days late。 
If I was pregnant; my body wouldn't even have registered that fact。 I would not have morning sickness。 I 

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would not have changed my eating or sleeping habits。 

And I most definitely would not have a small but defined bump sticking out between my hips。 

I twisted my torso back and forth; examining it from every angle; as if it would disappear in exactly the 
right light。 I ran my fingers over the subtle bulge; surprised by how rock hard it felt under my skin。 

〃Impossible;〃 I said again; because; bulge or no bulge; period or no period (and there was definitely no 
period; though I'd never been late a day in my life); there was no way I could be pregnant The only 
person I'd ever had sex with was a vampire; for crying out loud。 

A vampire who was still frozen on the floor with no sign of ever moving again。 

So there had to be some other explanation; then。 Something wrong with me。 A strange South American 
disease with all the signs of pregnancy; only accelerated。。。 

And then I remembered something—a morning of inter research that seemed a lifetime ago now。 
Sitting at the old desk in my room at Charlie's house with gray light glowing dully through the window; 
staring at my ancient; wheezing puter; reading avidly through a website called 〃Vampires AZ。〃 It 
had been less than twentyfour hours since Jacob Black; trying to entertain me with the Quileute legends 
he didn't believe in yet; had told me that Edward was a vampire。 I'd scanned anxiously through the first 
entries on the site; which was dedicated to vampire 

myths around the world。 The Filipino Danag; the Hebrew Estrie; the Romanian Varacolaci; the Italian 
Stregoni benefici (a legend actually based on my new fatherinlaw's early exploits with the Volturi
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