《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第2部分

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〃Urn; miss?〃 a man's voice called。 

I turned; and then wished I hadn't。 

Two men stood beside a fancy SUV with brandnew kayaks tied to the top。 Neither of them was 
looking at me; they both were staring at the car。 

Personally; I didn't get it。 But then; I was just proud I could distinguish between the symbols for Toyota; 
Ford; and Chevy。 This car was glossy black; sleek; and pretty; but it was still just a car to me。 

〃I'm sorry to bother you; but could you tell me what kind of car you're driving?〃 the tall one asked。 

〃Urn; a Mercedes; right?〃 

〃Yes;〃 the man said politely while his shorter friend rolled his eyes at my answer。 〃I know。 But I was 
wondering; is that。。。 are you driving a Mercedes Guardian?〃 The man said the name with reverence。 I 
had a feeling this guy would get along well with Edward Cullen; my。。。 my fiance (there really was no 
getting around that truth with the wedding just days away)。 〃They aren't supposed to be available in 
Europe yet;〃 the man went on; 〃let alone here。〃 

While his eyes traced the contours of my car—it didn't look much different from any other Mercedes 
sedan to me; but what did I know?—I briefly contemplated my issues with words like fiance; wedding; 
husband; etc。 

I just couldn't put it together in my head。 

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On the one hand; I had been raised to cringe at the very thought of poofy white dresses and bouquets。 
But more than that; I just couldn't reconcile a staid; respectable; dull concept like husband with my 
concept of Edward。 It was like casting an archangel as an accountant; I couldn't visualize him in any 
monplace role。 

Like always; as soon as I started thinking about Edward I was caught up in a dizzy spin of fantasies。 The 
stranger had to clear his throat to get my attention; he was still waiting for an answer about the car's make 
and model。 

〃I don't know;〃 I told him honestly。 

〃Do you mind if I take a picture with it?〃 

It took me a second to process that。 〃Really? You want to take a picture with the car?〃 

〃Sure—nobody is going to believe me if I don't get proof。〃 

〃Urn。 Okay。 Fine。〃 

I swiftly put away the nozzle and crept into the front seat to hide while the enthusiast dug a huge 
professionallooking camera out of his backpack。 He and his friend took turns posing by the hood; and 
then they went to take pictures at the back end。 

〃I miss my truck;〃 I whimpered to myself。 

Very; very convenient—too convenient—that my truck would wheeze its last wheeze just weeks after 
Edward and I had agreed to our lopsided promise; one detail of which was that he be allowed to 
replace my truck when it passed on。 Edward swore it was only to be expected; my truck had lived a 
long; full life and then expired of natural causes。 According to him。 And; of course; I had no way to verify 
his story or to try to raise my truck from the dead on my own。 My favorite mechanic— 

I stopped that thought cold; refusing to let it e to a conclusion。 Instead; I listened to the men's voices 
outside; muted by the car walls。 

〃。。。 went at it with a flamethrower in the online video。 Didn't even pucker the paint。〃 

〃Of course not。 You could roll a tank over this baby。 Not much of a market for one over here。 Designed 
for Middle East diplomats; arms dealers; and drug lords mostly。〃 

〃Think she's something?〃 the short one asked in a softer voice。 I ducked my head; cheeks flaming。 

〃Huh;〃 the tall one said。 〃Maybe。 Can't imagine what you'd need missileproof glass and four thousand 
pounds of body armor for around here。 Must be headed somewhere more hazardous。〃 

Body armor。 Four thousand pounds of body armor。 And missileproof glass? Nice。 What had 
happened to good oldfashioned bulletproof? 

Well; at least this made some sense—if you had a twisted sense of humor。 

It wasn't like I hadn't expected Edward to take advantage of our deal; to weight it on his side so that he 

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could give so much more than he would receive。 I'd agreed that he could replace my truck when it 
needed replacing; not expecting that moment to e quite so soon; of course。 When I'd been forced to 
admit that the truck had bee no more than a stilllife tribute to classic Chevys on my curb; I knew his 
idea of a replacement was probably going to embarrass me。 Make me the focus of stares and whispers。 
I'd been right about that part。 But even in my darkest imaginings I had not foreseen that he would get me 
two cars。 

The 〃before〃 car and the 〃after〃 car; he'd explained when I'd flipped out。 

This was just the 〃before〃 car。 He'd told me it was a loaner and promised that he was returning it after 
the wedding。 It all had made absolutely no sense to me。 Until now。 

Ha ha。 Because I was so fragilely human; so accidentprone; so much a victim to my own dangerous 
bad luck; apparently I needed a tankresistant car to keep me safe。 Hilarious。 I was sure he and his 
brothers had enjoyed the 

joke quite a bit behind my back。 

Or maybe; just maybe;a small voice whispered in my head; it's not a joke; silly。 Maybe he's really that 
worried about you。 This wouldn't be the first time he's gone a little overboard trying to protect 

I sighed。 

I hadn't seen the 〃after〃 car yet。 It was hidden under a sheet in the deepest corner of the Cullens' garage。 
I knew most people would have peeked by now; but I really didn't want to know。 

Probably no body armor on that car—because I wouldn't need it after the honeymoon。 Virtual 
indestructibility was just one of the many perks I was looking forward to。 The best parts about being a 
Cullen were not expensive cars and impressive credit cards。 

〃Hey;〃 the tall man called; cupping his hands to the glass in an effort to peer in。 〃We're done now。 
Thanks a lot!〃 

〃You're wele;〃 I called back; and then tensed as I started the engine and eased the pedal—ever so 

No matter how many times I drove down the familiar road home; I still couldn't make the rainfaded 
flyers fade into the background。 Each one of them; stapled to telephone poles and taped to street signs; 
was like a fresh slap in the face。 A welldeserved slap in the face。 My mind was sucked back into the 
thought I'd interrupted so immediately before。 I couldn't avoid it on this road。 Not with pictures of my 
favorite mechanic flashing past me at regular intervals。 

My best friend。 My Jacob。 

Thehave you SEENthis boy? posters were not Jacob's father's idea。 It had been my father; Charlie; 
who'd printed up the flyers and spread them all over town。 And not just Forks; but Port Angeles and 
Sequim and Hoquiam and Aberdeen and every other town in the Olympic Peninsula。 He'd made sure 
that all the police stations in the state of Washington had the same flyer hanging on the wall; too。 His own 
station had a whole corkboard dedicated to finding Jacob。 A corkboard that was mostly empty; much to 
his disappointment and frustration。 

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