《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第15部分

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Seth tugged on Jacob again。 Jacob was so bewildered with rage that Seth was able to yank him a few 
feet farther back。 〃Don't do it; Jake。 Walk away。 C'mon。〃 

Sam—the bigger wolf; the black one—joined Seth then。 He put his massive head against Jacob's chest 
and shoved。 

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The three of them—Seth towing; Jake trembling; Sam pushing—disappeared swiftly into the darkness。 

The other wolf stared after them。 I wasn't sure; in the weak light; about the color of his fur—chocolate 
brown; maybe? Was it Quil; then? 

Tm sorry;〃 I whispered to the wolf。 

〃It'sall right now;Bella;〃 Edward murmured。 

The wolf looked at Edward。 His gaze was not friendly。 Edward gave him one cold nod。The wolf huffed 
and then turned to follow the others; vanishing as they had。 

〃All right;〃 Edward said to himself; and then he looked at me。 〃Let's get back。〃 

〃But Jake—〃 

〃Sam has him in hand。 He's gone。〃 

〃Edward; I'm so sorry。 Iwas stupid—〃 

〃You did nothing wrong—〃 

〃I have such a big mouth! Why would I。。。 I shouldn't have let him get to me like that。 What was I 

〃Don't worry。〃 He touched my face。 〃We need to get back to the reception before someone notices our 

I shook my head; trying to reorient myself。 Before someone noticed? Had anyone missed that? 

Then; as I thought about it; I realized the confrontation that had seemed so catastrophic to me had; in 
reality; been very quiet and short here in the shadows。 

〃Give me two seconds;〃 I pleaded。 

My insides were chaotic with panic and grief; but that didn't matter—only the outside mattered right 
now。 Putting on a good show was something I knew I had to master。 

〃My dress?〃 

〃You look fine。 Not a hair out of place。〃 

I took two deep breaths。 〃Okay。 Let's go。〃 

He put his arms around me and led me back to the light。 When we passed under the twinkle lights; he 
spun me gently onto the dance floor。 We melted in with the other dancers as if our dance had never been 

I glanced around at the guests; butno one seemed shocked or frightened。 Only the very palest faces 
there showed any signs of stress; and they hid it well。 Jasper and Emmett were on the edge of the floor; 
close together; 

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and I guessed that they had been nearby during the confrontation。 

〃Are you—〃 

Tm fine;〃 I promised。 〃I can't believe I did that。 What's wrong with me?〃 

〃Nothing is wrong with you〃 

I'd been so glad to see Jacob here。 I knew the sacrifice it had taken him。 And then I'd ruined it; turned 
his gift into a disaster。 I should be quarantined。 

But my idiocy would not ruin anything else tonight。 I would put this away; shove it in a drawer and lock it 
up to deal with later。 There would be plenty of time to flagellate myself for this; and nothing I could do 
now would help。 

〃It's over;〃 I said。 〃Let's not think of it again tonight。〃 

I expected a quick agreement from Edward; but he was silent。 


He closed his eyes and touched his forehead to mine。 〃Jacob is right;〃 he whispered。 〃What am I 

〃He is not。〃 I tried to keep my face smooth for the watching crowd of friends。 〃Jacob is way too 
prejudiced to see anything clearly。〃 

He mumbled something low that sounded almost like 〃should let him kill me for even thinking 。。。〃 

〃Stop it;〃 I said fiercely。 I grabbed his face in my hands and waited until he opened his eyes。 〃You and 
me。 That's the only thing that matters。 The only thing you're allowed to think about now。 Do you hear 

〃Yes;〃 he sighed。 

〃Forget Jacob came。〃 I could do that。 I would 60 that。 〃For me。 Promise that you'll let this go。〃 

He stared into my eyes for a moment before answering。 〃I promise。〃 

〃Thank you。 Edward; I'm not afraid。〃 

〃I am;〃 he whispered。 

〃Don't be。〃 I took deep breath and smiled。 〃By the way; I love you。〃 

He smiled just a little in return。 〃That's why we're here。〃 

〃You're monopolizing the bride;〃 Emmett said; ing up behind Edward's shoulder。 〃Let me dance with 
my little sister。 This could be my last chance to make her blush。〃 He laughed loudly; as unaffected as he 
usually was by any serious atmosphere。 

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It turned out there were actually lots of people I hadn't danced with yet; and that gave me a chance to 
truly pose and resolve myself。 When Edward claimed me again; I found that the Jacobdrawer was 
shut nice and tight。 As he wrapped his arms around me; I was able to unearth my earlier sense of joy; my 
certainty that everything in my life was in the right place tonight。 I smiled and laid my head against his 
chest。 His arms tightened。 

〃I could get used to this;〃 I said。 

〃Don't tell me you've gotten over your dancing issues?〃 

〃Dancing isn't so bad—with you。 But I was thinking more of this;〃—and I pressed myself to him even 
tighter—〃of never having to let you go。〃 

〃Never;〃 he promised; and he leaned down to kiss me。 

It was a serious kind of kiss—intense; slow but building。。。。 

I'd pretty much forgotten where I was when I heard Alice call; 〃Bella! It's time!〃 

I felt a brief flicker of irritation with my new sister for the interruption。 

Edward ignored her; his lips were hard against mine; more urgent than before。 My heart broke into a 
sprint and my palms were slick against his marble neck。 

〃Do you want to miss your plane?〃 Alice demanded; right next to me now。 〃I'm sure you'll have a lovely 
honeymoon camped out in the airport waiting for another flight。〃 

Edward turned his face slightly to murmur; 〃Go away; Alice;〃 and then pressed his lips to mine again。 

〃Bella; do you want to wear that dress on the airplane?〃 she demanded。 

I wasn't really paying much attention。 At the moment; I simply didn't care。 

Alice growled quietly。 〃I'll tell her where you're taking her; Edward。 So help me; I will。〃 

He froze。 Then he lifted his face from mine and glared at his favorite sister。 〃You're awfully small to be so 

〃I didn't pick out the perfect goingaway dress to have it wasted;〃 she snapped back; taking my hand。 
〃e with me; Bella。〃 

I tugged against her hold; stretching up on my toes to kiss him one more time。 She jerked my arm 
impatiently; hauling me away from him。 There were a few chuckles from the watching guests。 I gave up 
then and let her lead me into the empty house。 

She looked annoyed。 

〃Sorry; Alice;〃 I apologized。 

〃I don't blame you; Bella。〃 She sighed。 〃You don't seem to be able help yourself。〃 

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I giggled at her martyred expression; and she scowled。 

〃Thank you; Alice。 It was the most beautiful wedding anyone ever had;〃 I told her earnestly。 〃Everything 
was exactly right。 You're the best; smartest; most talented sister in the whole world。〃 

That thawed her out; she smiled a huge smile。 〃I'm glad you l
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