《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第144部分

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more fortable。〃 

Aro nodded as if this was a wise observation he should have thought of himself。 He snapped his fingers 
twice。 〃Felix; Demetri。〃 

The two vampires were at his side instantaneously; looking precisely the same as the last time I'd met 
them。 Both were tall and darkhaired; Demetri hard and lean as the blade of a sword; Felix hulking and 
menacing as an ironspiked cudgel。 

The five of them stopped in the middle of the snowy field。 

〃Bella;〃 Edward called。 〃Bring Renesmee。。。 and a few friends。〃 

I took a deep breath。 My body was tight with opposition。 The idea of taking Renesmee into the center 
of the conflict。。。 But I trusted Edward。 He would know if Aro was planning any treachery at this point。 

Aro had three protectors on his side of the summit; so I would bring two with me。 It took me only a 
second to decide。 

〃Jacob? Emmett?〃 I asked quietly。 Emmett; because he would be dying to go。 Jacob; because he 
wouldn't be able to bear being left behind。 

Both nodded。 Emmett grinned。 

I crossed the field with them flanking me。 I heard another rumble from the guard as they saw my choices 
—clearly; they did not trust the werewolf。 Aro lifted his hand; waving away their protest again。 

〃Interesting pany you keep;〃 Demetri murmured to Edward。 

Edward didn't respond; but a low growl slipped through Jacob's teeth。 

We stopped a few yards from Aro。 Edward ducked under Aro's arm and quickly joined us; taking my 

For a moment we faced each other in silence。 Then Felix greeted me in a low aside。 

〃Hello again; Bella。〃 He grinned cockily while still tracking Jacob's every twitch with his peripheral vision。 

I smiled wryly at the mountainous vampire。 〃Hey; Felix。〃 

Felix chuckled。 〃You look good。 Immortality suits you。〃 

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〃Thanks so much。〃 

〃You're wele。 It's too bad 。。。〃 

He let his ment trail off into silence; but I didn't need Edward's gift to imagine the end。 It's too bad 
were going to kill you in a sec。 

〃Yes; too bad; isn't it?〃 I murmured。 

Felix winked。 

Aro paid no attention to our exchange。 He leaned his head to one side; fascinated。 〃I hear her strange 
heart;〃 he murmured with an almost musical lilt to his words。 〃I smell her strange scent。〃 Then his hazy 
eyes shifted to me。 〃In truth; young Bella; immortality does bee you most extraordinarily;〃 he said。 〃It 
is as if you were designed for this life。〃 

I nodded once in acknowledgment of his flattery。 

〃You liked my gift?〃 he asked; eyeing the pendant I wore。 

〃It's beautiful; and very; very generous of you。 Thank you。 I probably should have sent a note。〃 

Aro laughed delightedly。 〃It's just a little something I had lying around。 I thought it might plement 
your new face; and so it does。〃 

I heard a little hiss from the center of the Volturi line。 I glanced over Aro's shoulder。 

Hmm。 It seemed Jane wasn't happy about the fact that Aro had given me a present。 

Aro cleared his throat to reclaim my attention。 〃May I greet your daughter; lovely Bella?〃 he asked 

This was what we'd hoped for; I reminded myself。 Fighting the urge to take Renesmee and run for it; I 
walked two slow steps forward。 My shield rippled out behind me like a cape; protecting the rest of my 
family while Renesmee was left exposed。 It felt wrong; horrible。 

Aro met us; his face beaming。 

〃But she's exquisite;〃 he murmured。 〃So like you and Edward。〃 And then louder; 〃Hello; Renesmee。〃 

Renesmee looked at me quickly。 I nodded。 

〃Hello; Aro;〃 she answered formally in her high; ringing voice。 

Aro's eyes were bemused。 

〃What is it?〃 Caius hissed from behind。 He seemed infuriated by the need to ask。 

〃Half mortal; half immortal;〃 Aro announced to him and the rest of the guard without turning his 
enthralled gaze from Renesmee。 〃Conceived so; and carried by this newborn while she was still human。〃 

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〃Impossible;〃 Caius scoffed。 

〃Do you think they've fooled me; then; brother?〃 Aro's expression was greatly amused; but Caius 
flinched。 〃Is the heartbeat you hear a trickery as well?〃 

Caius scowled; looking as chagrined as if Aro's gentle questions had been blows。 

〃Calmly and carefully; brother;〃 Aro cautioned; still smiling at Renesmee。 〃I know well how you love 
your justice; but there is no justice in acting against this unique little one for her parentage。 And so much 
to learn; so much to learn! I know you don't have my enthusiasm for collecting histories; but be tolerant 
with me; brother; as I add a chapter that stuns me with its improbability。 We came expecting only justice 
and the sadness of false friends; but look what we have gained instead! A new; bright knowledge of 
ourselves; our possibilities。〃 

He held out his hand to Renesmee in invitation。 But this was not what she wanted。 She leaned away from 
me; stretching upward; to touch her fingertips to Aro's face。 

Aro did not react with shock as almost everyone else had reacted to this performance from Renesmee; 
he was as used to the flow of thought and memory from other minds as Edward was。 

His smile widened; and he sighed in satisfaction。 〃Brilliant;〃 he whispered。 

Renesmee relaxed back into my arms; her little face very serious。 

〃Please?〃 she asked him。 

His smile turned gentle。 〃Of course I have no desire to harm your loved ones; precious Renesmee。〃 

Aro's voice was so forting and affectionate; it took me in for a second。 And then I heard Edward's 
teeth grind together and; far behind us; Maggie's outraged hiss at the lie。 

〃I wonder;〃 Aro said thoughtfully; seeming unaware of the reaction to his previous words。 His eyes 
moved unexpectedly to Jacob; and instead of the disgust the other Volturi viewed the giant wolf with; 
Aro's eyes were filled with a longing that I did not prehend。 

〃It doesn't work that way;〃 Edward said; the careful neutrality gone from his suddenly harsh tone。 

〃Just an errant thought;〃 Aro said; appraising Jacob openly; and then his eyes moved slowly across the 
two lines of werewolves behind us。 Whatever Renesmee had shown him; it made the wolves suddenly 
interesting to him。 

〃They don't belong to us; Aro。 They don't follow our mands that way。 They're here because they 
want to be。〃 

Jacob growled menacingly。 

〃They seem quite attached to you; though;〃 Aro said。 〃And your young mate and your。。。 family。 Loyal〃 
His voice caressed the word softly。 

〃They're mitted to protecting human life; Aro。 That makes them able to coexist with us; but hardly 

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with you。 Unless you're rethinking your lifestyle。〃 

Aro laughed merrily。 〃Just an errant thought;〃 he repeated。 〃You well know how that is。 We none of us 

entirely control our subconscious desires。〃 

Edward grimaced。 〃I do know how that is。 And I also know the difference between that kind of thought 
and the kind with a purpose behind it。 It could never work; Aro。〃 
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