《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第132部分

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〃No—let me talk; okay? She says you know her sister or something。〃 

Not likely。 What does she look like? 

〃She looks like 。 。 。〃 His eyes ran from my face to my shoes appreciatively。 〃Well; she looks like a 
freaking supermodel; that's what she looks like。〃 I smiled and he winked at me; then went on。 〃Rocking 
body; pale as a sheet; dark brown hair almost to her waist; needs a good night's sleep—any of this 

No; it doesn't I'm not happy that you let your weakness for pretty women interrupt — 

〃Yeah;so I'ma sucker for the pretty ones; what's wrong with that? I'm sorry I bothered you; man。 Just 
forget it。〃 

〃Name;〃 I whispered。 

〃Oh right。 Wait;〃 Max said。 〃She says her name is Bella Cullen。 That help?〃 

There was a beat of dead silence; and then the voice on the other end was abruptly screaming; using a 
lot of words you didn't often hear outside of truck stops。 Max's whole expression changed; all the joking 
vanished and his lips went pale。 

〃Because you didn't ask!〃 Max yelled back; panicked。 

There was another pause while J collected himself。 

Beautiful and pale?J asked; a tiny bit calmer。 

〃I said that; didn't I?〃 

Beautiful and pale? What did this man know about vampires? Was he one of us himself? I wasn't 
prepared for 

that kind of confrontation。 I gritted my teeth。 What had Alice gotten me into? 

Max waited for a minute through another volley of shouted insults and instructions and then glanced at 
me with eyes that were almost frightened。 〃But you only meet downtown clients on Thursdays—okay; 
okay! On it。'7He slid his phone shut。 

〃He wants to see me?〃 I asked brightly。 

Max glowered。 〃You could have told me you were a priority client;7 

〃I didn't know I was。〃 

〃I thought you might be a cop;〃 he admitted。 〃I mean; you don't look like a cop。 But you act kind of 
weird; beautiful。〃 

I shrugged。 

〃Drug cartel?〃 he guessed。 

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〃Who; me?〃 I asked。 

〃Yeah。 Or your boyfriend or whatever。〃 

〃Nope; sorry。 I'm not really a fan of drugs; and neither is my husband。 Just say no and all that。〃 

Max cussed under his breath。 〃Married。 Can't catch a break。〃 

I smiled。 




〃Please! Is that the kind of people you usually deal with; Max? Maybe you need a new job。〃 

I had to admit; I was enjoying myself a little。 I hadn't interacted with humans much besides Charlie and 
Sue。 It was entertaining to watch him flounder。 I was also pleased at how easy it was not to kill him。 

〃You've got to be involved in something big。 And bad;〃 he mused。 

〃It's not really like that。〃 

〃That's what they all say。 But who else needs papers? Or can afford to pay J's prices for them; I should 
say。 None of my business; anyway;〃 he said; and then muttered the word married again。 

He gave me an entirely new address with basic directions; and then watched me drive away with 
suspicious; regretful eyes。 

At this point; I was ready for almost anything—some kind of James Bond villain's hightech lair seemed 
appropriate。 So I thought Max must have given me the wrong address as a test。 Or maybe the lair was 
subterranean; underneath this very monplace strip mall nestled up against a wooded hill in a nice 
family neighborhood。 

I pulled into an open spot and looked up at a tastefully subtle sign that read JASON SCOTT; 

The office inside was beige with celery green accents; inoffensive and unremarkable。 There was no scent 
of vampire here; and that helped me relax。 Nothing but unfamiliar human。 A fish tank was set into the 
wall; and a blandly 

pretty blond receptionist sat behind the desk。 

〃Hello;〃 she greeted me。 〃How can I help you?〃 

〃I'm here to see Mr。 Scott。〃 

〃Do you have an appointment?〃 

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〃Not exactly。〃 

She smirked a little。 〃It could be a while; then。 Why don't you have a seat while I—〃 

April!a man's demanding voice squawked from the phone on her desk。 I'm expecting a Ms。 Cullen 

I smiled and pointed to myself。 

Send her in immediately。 Do you understand? I don't care what it's interrupting。 

I could hear something else in his voice besides impatience。 Stress。 Nerves。 

〃She's just arrived;〃 April said as soon as she could speak。 

What? Send her in! What are you waiting for? 

〃Right away; Mr。 Scott!〃 She got to her feet; fluttering her hands as she led the way down a short 
hallway; offering me coffee or tea or anything else I might have wanted。 

〃Here you are;〃 she said as she ushered me through the door into a power office; plete with heavy 
wooden desk and vanity wall。 

〃Close the door behind you;〃 a raspy tenor voice ordered。 

I examined the man behind the desk while April made a hasty retreat。 He was short and balding; 
probably around fiftyfive; with a paunch。 He wore a red silk tie with a blueandwhitestriped shirt; and 
his navy blazer hung over the back of his chair。 He was also trembling; blanched to a sickly paste color; 
with sweat beading on his forehead; I imagined an ulcer churning away under the spare tire。 

J recovered himself and rose unsteadily from his chair。 He reached his hand across the desk。 

〃Ms。 Cullen。 What an absolute delight。〃 

I crossed to him and shook his hand quickly once。 He cringed slightly at my cold skin but did not seem 
particularly surprised by it。 

〃Mr。 Jenks。 Or do you prefer Scott?〃 

He winced again。 〃Whatever you wish; of course。〃 

〃How about you call me Bella; and HI call you J?〃 

〃Like old friends;〃 he agreed; mopping a silk handkerchief across his forehead。 He gestured for me to 
have a seat and took his own。 〃I must ask; am I finally meeting Mr。 Jasper's lovely wife?〃 

I weighed that for a second。 So this man knew Jasper; not Alice。 Knew him; and seemed afraid of him; 
too。 〃His sisterinlaw; actually。〃 

He pursed his lips; as if he were grasping for meanings just as desperately as I was。 

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〃I trust Mr。 Jasper is in good health?〃 he asked carefully。 

〃I'm sure he is in excellent health。 He's on an extended vacation at the moment。〃 

This seemed to clear up some of J's confusion。 He nodded to himself and templed his fingers。 〃Just so。 
You should have e to the main office。 My assistants there would have put you straight through to me 
—no need to go through less hospitable channels。〃 

I just nodded。 I wasn't sure why Alice had given me the ghetto address。 

〃Ah; well; you're here now。 What can I do for you?〃 

Tapers;〃 I said; trying to make my voice sound like I knew what I was talking about。 

〃Certainly;〃 J agreed at once。 〃Are we talking birth certificates; death certificates; drivers' licenses; 
passports; social security cards。。。 ?〃 

I took a deep breath and smiled。 I owed Max big time。 

And then my smile faded。
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