《4 breaking dawn破晓》



4 breaking dawn破晓- 第116部分

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〃Why are you burning it?〃 

〃I—I—〃 I frowned; letting all my frustration and pain show on my face。 I did not know what Alice was 
trying to tell me; only that she'd gone to great lengths to keep it from anyone but me。 The one person 
whose mind Edward could not read。 So she must want to keep him in the dark; and it was probably for a 
good reason。 〃It seemed appropriate。〃 

〃We don't know what she's doing;〃 he said quietly。 

I stared into the flames。 I was the only person in the world who could lie to Edward。 Was that what 
Alice wanted from me? Her last request? 

〃When we were on the plane to Italy;〃 I whispered—this was not a lie; except perhaps in context—〃on 
our way to rescue you。。。 she lied to Jasper so that he wouldn't e after us。 She knew that if he faced 
the Volturi; he would die。 She was willing to die herself rather than put him in danger。 Willing for me to 
die; too。 Willing for you to die。〃 

Edward didn't answer。 

〃She has her priorities;〃 I said。 It made my still heart ache to realize that my explanation did not feel like a 
lie in any way。 

〃I don't believe it;〃 Edward said。 He didn't say it like he was arguing with me—he said it like he was 
arguing with himself。 〃Maybe it was just Jasper in danger。 Her plan would work for the rest of us; but 
he'd be lost if he stayed。 


〃She could have told us that。 Sent him away。〃 

〃But would Jasper have gone? Maybe she's lying to him again。〃 

〃Maybe;〃 I pretended to agree。 〃We should go home。 There's no time。〃 

Edward took my hand; and we ran。 

Alice's note did not make me hopeful。 If there were any way to avoid the ing slaughter; Alice would 
have stayed。 I couldn't see another possibility。 So it was something else she was giving me。 Not a way to 
escape。 But what else would she think that I wanted? Maybe a way to salvage something? Was there 
anything I could still save? 

Carlisle and the others had not been idle in our absence。 We'd been separated from them for all of five 
minutes; and they were already prepared to leave。 In the corner; Jacob was human again; with Renesmee 
on his lap; both of them watching us with wide eyes。 

Rosalie had traded her silk wrap dress for a sturdylooking pair of jeans; running shoes; and a 
buttondown shirt made of the thick weave that backpackers used for long trips。 Esme was dressed 
similarly。 There was a globe on the coffee table; but they were done looking at it; just waiting for us。 

The atmosphere was more positive now than before; it felt good to them to be in action。 Their hopes 

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were pinned on Alice's instructions。 

I looked at the globe and wondered where we were headed first。 

〃We're to stay here?〃 Edward asked; looking at Carlisle。 He didn't sound happy。 

〃Alice said that we would have to show people Renesmee; and we would have to be careful about it;〃 
Carlisle said。 〃We'll send whomever we can find back here to you—Edward; you'll be the best at fielding 
that particular minefield。〃 

Edward gave one sharp nod; still not happy。 〃There's a lot of ground to cover。〃 

〃We're splitting up;〃 Emmett answered。 〃Rose and I are hunting for nomads。〃 

〃You'll have your hands full here;〃 Carlisle said。 〃Tanya's family will be here in the morning; and they 
have no idea why。 First; you have to persuade them not to react the way Irina did。 Second; you've got to 
find out what Alice meant about Eleazar。 Then; after all that; will they stay to witness for us? It will start 
again as the others e—if we can persuade anyone to e in the first place。〃 Carlisle sighed。 〃Your 
job may well be the hardest。 We'll be back to help as soon as we can。〃 

Carlisle put his hand on Edward's shoulder for a second and then kissed my forehead。 Esme hugged us 
both; and Emmett punched us both on the arm。 Rosalie forced a hard smile for Edward and me; blew a 
kiss to Renesmee; and then gave Jacob a parting grimace。 

〃Good luck;〃 Edward told them。 

〃And to you;〃 Carlisle said。 〃We'll all need it。〃 

I watched them leave; wishing I could feel whatever hope bolstered them; and wishing I could be alone 
with the puter for just a few seconds。 I had to figure out who this J。 Jenks person was and why Alice 
had gone to such 

lengths to give his name to only me。 

Renesmee twisted in Jacob's arms to touch his cheek。 

〃I don't know if Carlisle's friends will e。 I hope so。 Sounds like we're a little outnumbered right now;〃 
Jacob murmured to Renesmee。 

So she knew。 Renesmee already understood only too clearly what was going on。 The whole 
imprintedwerewolfgivestheobjectofhisimprintingwhatevershewants thing was getting old pretty 
fast。 Wasn't shielding her more important than answering her questions? 

I looked carefully at her face。 She did not look frightened; only anxious and very serious as she 
conversed with Jacob in her silent way。 

〃No; we can't help; we've got to stay here;〃 he went on。 〃People are ing to see you; not the 

Renesmee frowned at him。 

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〃No; I don't have to go anywhere;〃 he said to her。 Then he looked at Edward; his face stunned by the 
realization that he might be wrong。 〃Do I?〃 

Edward hesitated。 

〃Spit it out;〃 Jacob said; his voice raw with tension。 He was right at his breaking point; just like the rest 
of us。 

〃The vampires who are ing to help us are not the same as we are;〃 Edward said。 〃Tanya's family is 
the only one besides ours with a reverence for human life; and even they don't think much of werewolves。 
I think it might be safer—〃 

〃I can take care of myself;〃 Jacob interrupted。 

〃Safer for Renesmee;〃 Edward continued; 〃if the choice to believe our story about her is not tainted by 
an association with werewolves。〃 

〃Some friends。 They'd turn on you just because of who you hang out with now?〃 

〃I think they would mostly be tolerant under normal circumstances。 But you need to understand 
—accepting Nessie will not be a simple thing for any of them。 Why make it even the slightest bit harder?〃 

Carlisle had explained the laws about immortal children to Jacob last night。 〃The immortal children were 
really that bad?〃 he asked。 

〃You can't imagine the depth of the scars they've left in the collective vampire psyche。〃 

〃Edward 。。。〃 It was still odd to hear Jacob use Edward's name without bitterness。 

〃I know; Jake。 I know how hard it is to be away from her。 We'll play it by ear— see how they react to 
her。 In any case; Nessie is going to have to be incognito off and on in the next few weeks。 She'll need to 
stay at the cottage until the right moment for us to introduce her。 As long as you keep a safe distance 
from the main house 。。。〃 

〃I can do that。 pany in the morning; huh?〃 

〃Yes。 The closest of our friends。 In this particular case; it's probably better if we get things out in the 
open as soon as possible。 You can stay here。 Tanya knows about you。 She's even met Seth。〃 

〃You should tell Sam what's going on。 There might be strangers in t
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