


90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖- 第39部分

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First of all; a plaint letter ensures the accuracy of the description of the current issue。 There are circumstances that your trouble is extremely intricate and needs a logical way to elaborate on it。 Obviously; when writing a letter; you can think carefully and organize the pattern in a prehensive way as well as use sufficient details to substantiate your point。 Whereas plaining in person denies ration of the two sides in question because it is more likely for people to go into quarrel before they have clearly known the problem。
Second; making a plaint in writing can avoid unnecessary conflict。 For instance; when one customer angrily steps in a shop to plain about the defective he has purchased and demands a refund; the shop assistant may be forced into a dilemma because he is not the one in charge and therefore has no right to decide。 In this situation; if the stubborn customer doesn’t give up and utters malicious words; a fight may ensue。 Hence plaining in writing can save you a lot of aggravation and conflict which you always risk to get by plaining in person。
Last but not least; putting your plaint in words can avoid hurting innocent people。 Possibly when your want to find the one who has offered poor service to you; you actually lose your temper to another assistant since the one in question is absent。 Thus an innocent person serves as a scapegoat for his or her colleague。 This will cause negative impact on their mind。
Admittedly; plaint letter may get ignored while plaining in person is more impressive。 However; the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and as a result; plaining in writing is my preference。 
 Who is the famous ent…
 Among numerous respectable people in the world; my admiration still focuses on one eminent actress——Audrey Hepburn。 I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to claim that Audrey Hepburn is the most universally beloved actress who ever worked in the field of movie。 Thus I would choose Audrey Hepburn if I were granted the chance to meet a famous entertainer or athlete in the world。 There are at least three factors that lead me to make this decision。
No matter what happened to her; Hepburn always maintained a high spirit。 When her hometown——Belgium was invaded by Germans in 1939; her mother moved the family to Netherlands in the belief that it was safer from German attack。 During the Dutch Famine over the winter of 1944; Germans confiscated the Dutch people’s limited food and fuel supply for themselves。 Suffering from malnutrition; Hepburn developed acute anemia; respiratory problems and oedema。 Despite the harsh conditions; as a proficient ballerina at that time; Hepburn secretly danced to collect money for the Dutch resistance。 Her persistence and attempt to make a difference for peace in the world have long inspired me。
Her astonishing beauty; her elfin smile and her grace have captivated the whole world。 She caught eye of Hollywood; and soon scored her Oscar…winning role in Roman Holiday。 In the next 14 years; she appeared in a succession of unforgettable movies that kept her at the forefront of Hollywood stars; including Funny Face; Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady。 By playing her role with all her efforts; her charm stood the test of time since her films can bring us with various emotional experiences。
Audrey Hepburn was also known as a humanitarian。 After her film career; she was appointed a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)。 In the years that followed; Hepburn made a series of UNICEF field trips to Turkey; Thailand; and Sudan and so on。 She also worked tirelessly for UNICEF when not making field trips。 She testified before the US congress; designed fund…raising cards; participated in benefit concert tours and gave many speeches and interviews promoting UNICEF’s work。 Her dedication of the remainder of her life to helping impoverished children in the poorest nations deserves our reverence。
Thus I want to meet Audrey Hepburn and express my gratitude and respect to her。 I also want to tell her about my willingness to take her as my role model because of her persistence; her love for her career and her devotion for the needy people around the world。 
 Member vs。 leader
 The issue whether it is better to be a leader or a member in a group may ignite hot debates among people since opinions vary from person to person。 However; as far as I am concerned; it is better to be a leader rather than a follower。 There are three conspicuous factors listed as follows:
Firstly; being a leader asks for more talent and special ability in dealing with challenges and making decisions。 Obviously in reality; there are few people who can meet the standards of leading a group。 Thus; because of the difficulty of finding a capable substitute; it is less likely for a leader to be superseded in parison with a member。 As a result; being a leader guarantees a higher ine and a stable position in the pany。
Secondly; the position of leader enables one to make full use of his/her own intelligence。 While being a member; one should follow the orders and instructions given by their supervisor even though he or she doesn’t consider them practical。 Which makes things worse; when there is a negative consequence; the blame is placed on all the members of the group instead of the leader。 On the contrary; though meetings may be held for members to put forward their proposals and build consensus; ultimate decision always remains for the leader to make。 In this sense; one is free from others’ restriction to decide according to his or her experience and insight。
Last but not least; being a leader gain more sense of achievement than being a follower。 When a group has an overall successful result; it is monly believed that such an acplishment should be attributed to the perfect work of the leader。 So it is more likely for a leader to gain public recognition than a member of a group。
Admittedly; disadvantages do acpany the position of a leader。 There are circumstances that a leader should suffer from most of the stress or even; misunderstanding from subordinators。 Nevertheless; advantages outweighs disadvantages and I assert that it is better to be a leader rather than a follower。 
 puters vs。 traditi…
 The issue as to whether it is more beneficial to study at home by using technology or study at traditional schools would ignite hot debates among students as both ways have pros and cons。 However; as far as I am concerned; I prefer to go to traditional schools for three factors: disciplined learning; good facilities and interpersonal skills。
Although learning from puters and television is more flexible; it is void of disciplined learning environment provided by schools。 The school’s curriculum is under considerable plantation; ensuring the balance among each particular subject and is taught according to a reasonable timetable。 Thus traditional school education cultivates well…rounded students; who meet the needs of modern society。 While studying at home through puters and televisions; the discipline is absent。 Since students are inclined to subjects that appeal to them; some interested at a c
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