


90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖- 第30部分

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。 He sometimes debates with our history or geography teacher about problems that are not in cluded in our textbooks。 All of our teachers appreciate him very much。 By the way; he has finished learning math; physics; and chemistry of senior high school on his own。
Sean is smart; I am not only talking about his mind but also his appearance (smart can be used to describe boys that are handsome)。 When the news that Sean won three first prizes in math; physics; and chemistry Olympic petition had spread widely; a growing number of girls in ordinary classes began to flock to our class to see who Sean was。 Clare told me she had encountered several girls who asked her to show them who Sean was。
As she pointed Sean out for them; they let out a shout; looking excited。 I burst out laughing; “Then we should warn Sean of love potion! (A potion mentioned in Harry Potter and the Half…blood Prince which is used to force a person to fall in love with you)” “Yeah;” said Clare; beaming; “If there are mistletoe bunches in the passageways between classes; I dare say groups of girls will converge underneath them every time Sean passes by!” (Mistletoe bunches are used to decorate corridors in some western countries during Christmas and according to British tradition; boys can kiss girls underneath the mistletoe bunches。)
Sean had indeed registered to take part in the entrance exam of The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University on the 13th of May; but somehow he was absent on that day。 He is quite regretful now; I can tell。 
 Gavin may be the strangest figure in our class。 He disregards conventions without being deliberately setting out to draw attention to himself; yet his behavior wins him the love and respect of others; for he adds color to the dull routine of everyday life。
He is another prince of math who has the same level as Sean。 Whenever you have math or chemistry problems; just e to him; and you will surely get a satisfying answer you may not be able to get from the teachers。 Gavin shows great interest in math; physics; and chemistry so he spends almost all his spare time in reading books about them。 His mother is a math teacher of senior 3 in our school。 Rumors say that Gavin’s mother once asked her students to work out a math problem; but after twenty minutes no one finished the task。 Being disappointed; Gavin’s mother sighed: “If my son were here; he could certainly solve it in three minutes!”
The only thing that drives Gavin to work so hard on the three subjects is interest。 Sometimes; in order to find the verification of a particular formula; he looks up on the internet for several hours and take down all the verification on a notebook。
I admire Gavin for his honesty。 He never tries to show that he is a genius who can be good at everything without learning。 Someone in our class just sleeps or plays in classes but studies till two or three o’clock secretly at night。 I know exactly what they want。 They want the fame that they can achieve high score despite their supineness or they merely want to distract others so that they can be the winner。 I hate this kind of people intensely; for they are not only hypocritical but vicious as well。 
 Ella and Shirley
 Ella and Shirley are good friends。 It is always hard for Ella to control her feeling; and anything can easily upset her。 On the contrary; Shirley is optimistic and cheerful。 When I need a friend; Shirley(中文名:李燕玲)is always there right by my side。
She really cares about others and is an extremely talented listener。 Her sense of humor will brighten your entire day and her wise words are often exactly what you need to hear。 Ella can be forted by Shirley whenever she is upset。
They both are very kind。 Ella is helpful and Shirley is thoughtful。 When we were in junior 2; we were going to take the math Olympic petition for junior 3。 Among us; Ella’s math was the best while my math was the worse。 Ella was surely considered by anybody in the math Olympic class to be the first prize winner for she always ranked within the top five。 At that time; my math was really poor; which only ranked about the twentieth in that class。 In the last round exam of the class; I was even thrown out; but because of my hard working known to everyone; the teacher gave me another opportunity。 Some of my classmates laughed at me; saying: “No matter how hard you work; you were still kicked out of the Olympic class。” On that night I burst into tears。 Yes; maybe I was stupid; I was an idiot who can never be good at math。 God was not fair; I thought。 Why others in the class could deal with math problems without difficulty while I had no clue of how to solve them at all despite my hard work?
My heart was full of frustration and resent before the math petition。 I worked even harder than before; and during the break between classes; I went to Ella and asked questions I had carefully marked。 Sometimes she would get irritated; but I kept on doing so。 I knew she was willing to offer me help; and she was angry just because the questions I asked were too primary for her。
Thanks to her help; I got the first prize of Math Olympics petition at last; which amazed my classmates; as if they were saying: “What? Am I dreaming?”。 Dramatically; Ella didn’t win any prize。 Shirley told me Ella cried herself to sleep for several nights with her head sinking into her pillow after the results came out。 I felt extremely regretful as if I had stolen her first prize。 It was she who gave me so much help。 Shirley forted me; saying: “You needn’t feel guilty; you deserve it; and I know how much effort you have put into it。 And I am sure Ella will not blame her failure on you。 She was only too nervous to solve the problems on that day and she made some unforgivable mistakes; too。 It has nothing to do with you。”
Gold is always gleaming。 In junior 3; Ella got the first prize she deserved and ranked  
 “Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? Will this memory fade when I leave this town?” The song once famous across America entitled “Friends Forever” is echoing inside my body。 I could not help thinking of my future。 Will I get the big jobs and make big money? Will I still remember everything happened in school? But life needs ; we have our own goals to pursue。 As the song goes: “cause we are moving on and we can’t slow down。” No matter what happens; we have to go on with life and the memories will play like a film without sound; just fit my favorite part of the song: “As we go on; we remember; all the times we had been together; And as our lives change; e whatever; we will still be; friends forever。” 
 Flying kites(1)
 Sunday; July 8; 2007Two days ago; I was invited by Aldo to fly kites with him on the beach near his home today。 I was surprised by his invitation; feeling honored; and I said I would e。
It was 9 ; and after putting some sun block on my skin; I hurried off to keep the appointment with Aldo。
The weather today was pretty nice with little clouds in the sky and the wind blew gently。 “Hey; clara!” Aldo said; at the sight of me; hurrying forward to greet me; and shaking my
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